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The present scientific article aims to technically analyze the relationship between the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) and the legitimization of land grabbing on public lands. Land grabbing affects rational land use planning and also the dimensions of the climate-environmental crisis, as the (mis)use of land, contrary to the law, serves as a gateway to deforestation, necessitating the creation of efficient environmental management tools to combat it. CAR is an extremely important tool in the context of environmental control and planning, with the purpose of environmental regularization of rural properties. However, the effective implementation and application of CAR have been challenging, consequently allowing the legitimization of land grabbing, characterized by the illegal appropriation of public lands. In this study, the main challenges faced in the implementation of CAR will be examined. Among these challenges, the lack of financial resources and institutional capacity on the part of the responsible agencies stand out. Furthermore, corruption and complicity of some public officials have been significant obstacles to the effectiveness of CAR. Inadequate supervision and monitoring have also contributed to legitimizing land grabbing. The grabbing of public lands is legitimized through fraudulent practices, such as the use of false information in the registration of rural properties. Additionally, invasion and illegal occupation of public lands have been shown to be forms of legitimizing land grabbing, harming both environmental preservation and social justice. To address this problem, it is necessary to seek effective solutions. Among the possible strategies, strengthening the institutional capacity of the responsible agencies for the implementation and oversight of CAR, as well as increasing transparency and civil society participation in the land regularization process, stands out. Intensifying supervision and monitoring of rural properties is also fundamental in preventing land grabbing. It is concluded that the relationship between the Rural Environmental Registry and the legitimization of land grabbing on public lands presents complex challenges, which require continuous efforts to ensure fair and sustainable territorial management. Actions aimed at overcoming the challenges in the implementation of CAR and combating land grabbing are essential for environmental preservation, promotion of social justice, and sustainable development of the agricultural sector.
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