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The aim of this study is to investigate the proficiency of quilombola students at the Federal University of Pará in producing written reviews. The research was qualitative in nature, starting with the construction of a dossier, with a view to identifying the main difficulties of the target audience in relation to the production of the textual genre academic review. Quilombola university students from various undergraduate courses at UFPA took part in the study, who entered the institution through the Special Selection Process for Indigenous People and Quilombolas. The results presented reveal problems in relation to observing the characteristics of the academic genre investigated and, consequently, the use of the cultured variety of the written Portuguese language. We conclude that the academic writing proficiency of the respective students is inconsistent and that it encompasses obstacles of a conceptual nature of the textual genre itself, the previous school history of the process of teaching and learning the written language and academic-institutional obstacles, related to the insufficiency of didactic-pedagogical and affirmative actions for these purposes.
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