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Even though they are deprived of their liberty, the convict must have access to religious activities as a right, regardless of the religion they follow. For this purpose, the Penal Execution Law (LEP), which provides for the regulations of the Brazilian penal system, encourages its practice, valuing the reintegration of the convicted person into society. The Association of Protection and Assistance of Convicts (APAC) presents itself as an institution that follows the LEP, helping to administer the sentence, valuing religion and spirituality with the aim of promoting the reintegration of the prisoner into society. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the influence of religious actions on the process of social reintegration of prisoners in accordance with the LEP guidelines in APAC in Viçosa - MG. To this end, qualitative, exploratory research was carried out using the case study as an in-depth empirical investigation of a contemporary phenomenon. The method used was a bibliographic and documentary survey, in addition to semi-structured interviews with inmates, former inmates and APAC employees. For data analysis, Content Analysis proposed by Bardin was privileged. The results showed that APAC's religious proposal is mostly in accordance with LEP regulations, but presents disagreement in the imposition of the detainee having a religion and obligatory participation in activities related to it. It was found that religious activities have the aim of social control based on moralistic attitudes, which problematizes the state link with institutions of a religious nature. It was possible to conclude that the methodologies used by APAC had a positive impact on the prisoner's social reintegration, taking into account the low rate of recidivism and reports of them showing changes in behavior and mentality due to the religious experience experienced as an inmate.
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