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Mateus Souza de Oliveira
Maria Deusa Ferreira da Silva


The theme of this research is the integration of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) in the educational context, specifically in relation to the teaching of geometry. This research work seeks to analyze the understanding of geometric thinking among future Mathematics teachers, with emphasis on the fundamental concepts of plane geometry, using the GeoGebra platform. The theoretical basis resides in the Activity Theory, with emphasis on the Activity Oriented Teaching (AOE) approach. The study, conducted using a qualitative approach of the type of research-pedagogical intervention, was carried out in a subject of the Mathematics degree course at a public university, in the hybrid teaching model. The analyzed data focuses on responses generated by students during a Guided Open Teaching Activity (AOEA) in GeoGebra Classroom. The participants' actions indicate the development of technological skills that stimulate the expression of geometric thinking. In addition, the results identify errors in geometric constructions, highlighting the importance of pedagogical mediation to correct these mistakes. In conclusion, the research points to the crucial need for pedagogical interventions aimed at the initial training of Mathematics teachers, in order to fill the formative gaps arising from Basic Education.

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How to Cite
OLIVEIRA, M. S. de .; SILVA, M. D. F. da . TRAINING WITH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY: ENHANCING GEOMETRIC LEARNING. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 15, n. 45, p. 183–200, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8330064. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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