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The objective of this study was to characterize pregnant women with COVID-19 and the influence of comorbidities on pregnancy outcomes in Serra Catarinense. The descriptive, cross-sectional, documentary study with a quantitative approach was carried out by collecting data from the electronic medical records of pregnant women who were admitted to a maternity hospital in Serra Catarinense. A total of 5083 medical records were analyzed, from May 2021 to October 2022. Of these, 542 medical records of pregnant women positive for COVID were included in the study, and sociodemographic and behavioral data, obstetric history, previous and/or acquired comorbidities, and data related to COVID-19 were collected, such as the quarter in which the patient tested positive for the disease, if you needed clinical hospitalization or in the Intensive Care Unit and data regarding vaccination for COVID-19. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis, using Pearson's chi-square and Fisher's exact tests. The occurrence of pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19 was 10.7% (542), the majority being white pregnant women, single, with paid work and complete high school. Pregnant women with previous and/or gestational comorbidities were associated with the occurrence of adverse maternal outcomes compared to pregnant women without comorbidities. Pregnant women who had a positive COVID-19 test in the first trimester of pregnancy were associated with prolonged hospitalization due to adverse maternal outcomes, such as postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia, respiratory complications due to COVID-19, abortion and preterm labor, when compared to pregnant women who tested positive in other trimesters. However, further studies are needed to identify the real interference of COVID-19 in pregnancy. In this study, adverse gestational outcomes in pregnant women who had COVID-19 were associated with the occurrence of comorbidities during pregnancy, showing that there is a need for greater attention to adherence and quality in prenatal care.
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