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Tigernaque Pergentino de Sant'ana Junior


This work aims to comprehend the process of building the identity of the Jungle Warrior. For this purpose, the research aims to analyze how the process of constructing the Jungle Warrior's identity occurs through the activities carried out in the Jungle Operations Course (COS), their coexistence in Jungle Units, and the interrelation between the military personnel and Amazonian culture. The methodological procedures included participant observation, conducted at the Jungle Warfare Instruction Center (CIGS) in October 2020, allowing the study of activities such as the Jungle Warrior's Machete ceremony, the graduation ceremony, and the Jungle Warriors' gathering. Additionally, interviews were conducted with several military personnel from the CIGS Education Division, enabling close contact with the studied group and allowing for detailed and thorough observations. To analyze the data, they were related to the concepts proposed by authors in sociology and anthropology. The research results demonstrate that this process of identity construction fosters a strong identity in Jungle Warriors, leading to modifications in their way of being, as well as the acquisition of symbolic capital that grants prestige and status. Moreover, it fosters traits such as self-confidence and a deep connection with the Amazon, distinguishing them from other military personnel in the Brazilian Army.

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How to Cite
SANT’ANA JUNIOR, T. P. de . JUNGLE WARRIORS: THE IDENTITY BUILDING PROCESS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 15, n. 43, p. 539–561, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8191249. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/1761. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


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