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This article aims to analyze the accessibility of the elderly to public services available on digital platforms in the municipality of Ponta Grossa-PR. Thus, so that we can achieve the proposed objective for the referred study, the research with a qualitative approach of an applied nature was chosen, in relation to the objectives this is classified as exploratory, being chosen as a technical procedure the case study using the semi-structured interview as a data collection instrument. Initially, a contextualization was carried out about the aging process and the increase in the elderly population worldwide, as well as in the Brazilian reality. The study also brings a discussion in relation to the advent of the smart city and digital inclusion of the elderly, also making an approach in relation to the innovation promotion policy proposed by the municipality of Ponta Grossa-PR. After analyzing the collected data, it was verified It is known that although there is a policy to encourage innovation and technology through the Vale dos Trilhos ecosystem, which aims to transform the municipality into a smart city with sustainable development, there is no accessibility for the elderly to public services through the digital means made available by the City Hall of Ponta Grossa-PR., making it necessary to develop public policies for digital inclusion for this segment of the population based on the creation of digital platforms with an interface aimed at the elderly, as well as conducting computer courses in centers for the elderly and provision of public internet for the population residing in the peripheral region of the city.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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