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Cancer is one of the most serious public health problems in Brazil, appearing as the fourth leading cause of premature death. The study aimed to identify the sociodemographic profile of patients in the immediate region of Viçosa-MG who did not undergo treatment because they were outside their city of residence. It also sought to verify the existence of a correlation between the variables year and number of people who have stopped taking the treatment. This is a longitudinal and descriptive study with probalistic sampling of cancer patients registered in the Hospital Cancer Records (RHC) system of INCA between 2010 and 2019. The data revealed that patients who did not undergo treatment due to being outside the households are mostly in Viçosa-MG, they are men, married, with incomplete primary education and aged between 20 and 59 years. Furthermore, it was found that as of 2014 the number of people who stopped undergoing treatment increased. In this sense, it was concluded that there was a positive correlation between the variables year and number of people who stopped undergoing treatment for being outside. Therefore, the need to know the profile of patients who refuse to undergo treatment is emphasized, in order to identify the factors that are associated with this refusal, in order to propose measures and/or public policies that can support them and prevent discontinuation of cancer treatment.
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