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The Covid-19 pandemic caused the suspension of classes all over the world suddenly and the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) was one of the strategies used to provide remote teaching to students, however, the sudden adaptation to the new scenario of teaching was a challenge for educators, as a way to deal with the psychosocial consequences of the pandemic, the development of socioemotional skills of teachers has been gaining space in scientific publications and in continuing education moments, popularized on the YouTube platform during the pandemic. Therefore, this article is part of a master's thesis from the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Teaching - IFMT, which aimed to analyze the proposals presented on the YouTube platform for the development of social and emotional skills of educators during the Covid-19 pandemic. To meet the research objective, a documentary research was conducted, of qualitative nature, on the YouTube platform, where 15 videos that met the previously listed inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected, in a time frame between the years 2020 to August 2021. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis, and this article presents the characterization of the videos researched. This first part of the analysis of the results, contributes to the realization of a characterization of the proposals conveyed in videos on YouTube, which were about the development of social and emotional skills of educators during the pandemic of Covid-19, it was possible to identify that the social and emotional content has gained space in the moments of training of educators, however, the proposals for the development of social and emotional skills of educators are presented as a space of perpetuation of ideologies about the naturalization of school failure.
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