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Elias David Morales Martinez
Felipe Ken Iwahashi


Brazil is characterized by being a country with a global highlight in favor of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. From 1998, Brazil joined the New Agenda Coalition (NAC) with the objective to guide an international agenda for materialize a complete nuclear weapons disarmament. Likewise, a NAC was able to participate actively in the structuring of the recent Treaty on the Prohibition of nuclear weapons (TPAN). This article aims to analyze how was the contribution and performance of Brazil and the NAC for the elaboration of the TPAN. Therefore, this article analyzes the process of the NAC conformation and its participation during the TPN revision Conferences, and the cooperation between different actors in order to establish the nuclear weapons prohibition regime through TPAN thar was open for signatures in 2017 entering in force in 2021. In this analytical path, we use the theoretical proposal of Coalitions by Narlikar (2003) to verify the type of coalition under study, its structure, its functioning, as well as its challenges in the international context and in which it is inserted.

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How to Cite
MARTINEZ, E. D. M. .; IWAHASHI , F. K. THE ACTION OF BRAZIL AND THE NEW AGENDA COALITION IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTING THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 13, n. 39, p. 442–461, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7765432. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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