The concept of a person with a disability in Brazil is broadly based on the interaction between long-term impairments and social barriers, as outlined by the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Brazilian Inclusion Law (Law 13.146/2015). However, the lack of clear and uniform criteria for this definition poses practical and legal challenges, affecting access to rights and benefits for this group. This study analyzes the effectiveness of current legal criteria in defining disability, focusing on the gaps and ambiguities that may result in social exclusion or inconsistent interpretations. Using a qualitative, exploratory, and explanatory approach, the research relied on a documentary analysis of legislation, official documents, and academic articles. The results indicate that, despite normative advances, interpretations dominated by the medical model still prevail, compromising the practical application of the biopsychosocial model and full inclusion. The study concludes with the need for legislative review, strengthening of interdisciplinary assessments, and the implementation of public policies to ensure greater equity and social justice for people with disabilities.

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